Eid SMS - Eid Mubarak SMS - New Year SMS

Saturday, January 9, 2010

[Cutee_Group] Forgive and Feel the Strength



Clcik Here------>>>>Cute Islam

www.cutemails.net.tc <------> By: IMRAN ALAM

Forgive and Feel the Strength
 Weakness in another person can be contagious. One very good
Way to catch that weakness for yourself is with resentment.
And the best way to avoid taking on the weakness of others
Is with forgiveness. Forgiveness frees you to be strong and
To look forward.
What others may have said or done or failed to do cannot be
Changed now. What you can do now is to begin moving beyond
The pain with sincere forgiveness.
With forgiveness, you are no longer a victim. With
Forgiveness, you take control of your own destiny.
Forgiveness does not mean that you support or endorse what
Happened. Forgiveness means that you are bigger than what
Happened, and confident enough to move on past it.
Forgive, and stop poisoning your own life with the past
Transgressions of others. Forgive, and feel the strength of
Your own integrity.
 ~Ralph Marston~



Cutee Group Blog




CUTEE___*_______** * ___GROUP_____
__IMRAN_______***__*_**** ______ALAM___
__CUTEE_______**__**_____* ____GROUP____
___CUTEE_____***_*__*_____* ____GROUP__
__GROUP_____****_____**___****** ______
__IMRAN____*****______**_*______** ____
_CUTEE____*****_______*_______* _______
__GROUP___******_____*_______* ________
_CUTEE_____******____*______* ___GROUP_
____________********_______* __________
____***_________**______** ____________
__*******__________** WHAT IS SWEET BUT
___*******_________* NOT HONEY_______
____******_________*_* ______________
_____***___*_______** PRECIOUS BUT NOT
_________****_*___* _________________
_______******__*_** BRIGHT BUT NOT...
______*******___** SUNSHINE__________
______*****______* __________________
______**_________* IMPROVE WITH TIME..
_______*_________* BUT NOT WINE???___

_____##################______thanx for being my friend


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