--- On Thu, 3/12/09, saba munir <bluewonders7@gmail.com> wrote:
From: saba munir <bluewonders7@gmail.com> Subject: [PF:147150] SUSPECT:Doctor's Hospital - Johar Town, Lahore To: Date: Thursday, 3 December, 2009, 8:37 PM
Forwarded As received From: Rizwan Zafar -10228 [mailto:rizwan.zafar@bankalfalah.com] Sent: Thursday, December 03, 2009 9:50 AM Subject: Doctor's Hospital - Johar Town, Lahore | | | Home | Videos | Images | Contact | | | Doctors Hospital (Johar Town Lahore,Punjab, Pakistan) killed my 3 Year Old Daughter | 
|  Doctors Hospital Johar Town Lahore, Punjab Pakistan Updates: 2 Dec 09: Doctors Hospital failed to provide any records (discharge slip, medical records, list of on duty staff) to police to date. | On 2nd day of Eid (29 Nov 09), Doctor's Hospital (Johar Town Lahore) killed my 3 Years old daughter "Imanae Malik". She had a minor burn on her hand because of hot water and i took her to Doctor's Hospital where the doctors gave her 3 doses of injections to sedate her which were NOT suitable for kids and as a consequence she died there within few minutes in my hands. I've lost all I had she was my only daughter... please save your loved ones and don't go their... boycott them, request the Govt. to take over this hospital or shut it down... please help me in this noble cause and save your loved ones' lives by boycotting these butchers... IT HAS HAPPENED TO ME........... IT CAN ALSO HAPPEN TO YOU OR YOUR LOVED ONES TOO.......IF YOU DO NOT ACT NOW! What you can do At the moment, Please spread this news and tell your family and friends to stay away from Doctor's Hospital. *Please visit later or send us your email for further updates as we will upload more photos and video footage from all media including TV channels covering this unfortunate incident and related material. | | Important: If you are effected by Doctor's Hospital in any way or you would like to share your thoughts, suggestions, opinion or can help, then please email me on aqeel60@msn.com and help me to close down this slaughter house. | | | Regards, RIZWAN ZAFAR | Audit & Inspection Group – Head Office - Karachi | Bank Alfalah Limited. Cell No. 0321-8907572 -- From: [Pak-Friends] Group Member Visit Group: http://groups.google.com/group/Karachi-786 Subscription: http://groups.google.com/group/karachi-786/subscribe Blog: http://rehansheik.blogspot.com Facebook http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112436697044 Complaints / Suggestions??? Write to rehansheik@gmail.com =========================================================== ¸,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸¸,.-~*'[PäK¤.¸.¤F®ï£ñD§]'*·~-.¸¸,.-~*'¨¯¨'*·~-.¸ =========================================================== All members are expected to follow these Simple Rules: -~----------~----~----~----~------~----~------~--~--- Be Carefull in Islamic Discussions; Disrespect (of Ambiyaa, Sahabaa, Oliyaa, and Ulamaa) is an INSTANT BAN Abuse of any kind (to the Group, or it's Members) shall not be tolerated SPAM, Advertisement, and Adult messages are NOT allowed This is not Dating / Love Group, Sending PM's to members will be an illegal act.
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