May Allah give us Hidayat and Istaqamat as well to follow the teachings of Islam.
I have today seen a well written essay on the above subject but
unfortunately it is totally one sided. He is one of those writers
who use Aayate Quran to justify an otherwise unjustifiable point of view.
Unfortunately our outlook about blessed prophet of Islam is
an extremist one. Those of us who belong to Salfi or Deobandi
School of thought do not see any reason to celebrate Eide Milad.
But those on the other side of spectrum, popularly known as
ahle sunnat claim that except for satan every creation celebrates
Eide Milad SAW.
The writer, Mr. Adil Manzoor has admitted that there is no prohibition
of celebrating Eide Milad. This clearly means that there is no justification not to celebrate Eide Milad.
Some people say it was never celebrated by Sahaba Karam. To such
people my reply is that the sahaba never forgot about the blessed
personality of Huzoor Nabi Karim SAW. But more than 1400 years
have passed since the departure of his soul and it is an appropriate
time we celebrate his milad. This will give us a chance to inform the
ignorant about the uswah karim of Rasool Allah. Listening about his
wonderful life, people wil learn to lead a life following his food prints.
Allah SWT has emphasized so many times in holy Quran to follow
Nabi Akram SAW. But our courses are devoid of his life and deeds.
And the only chance for us to narrate his beautiful teachings to his
Ummah is to reserve a day for celebrating his memory.
On that day the newspapers print special magazines on his life and
the TV channels show live programs on his life and broadcast naats
to enlighten the hearts and minds of people.
I am sure, those who are opposed to celebrate Eide Milad, will find
it necessary to celebrate it, once they realize its benefits. Love for blessed prophet of Islam is the sign of salvation for every Muslim and we shall henceforth celebrate the birth of Nabi Akram SAW.
Allah SWT has so lovingly declared: " If I were not to create thee
O' Muhammad, I would not have created the universe! "
May Allah guide us to his true path and fill our hearts with His
love and the love of those who He loves.
Muhammad Javed Iqbal__._,_.___.![]()
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